Thursday, July 26, 2007

New Pets

I got a goat today! she Is cute. her name Is Kenya. Also my thinger got smashed in the door.
We are geting anther one tonight it is white with black and gray spots we named her mady they are both girls they rare up at each other and butt heads its funny to watch and if toby bothers them they butt him if any body wants to come over and see them call me.

This is our dog Toby.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Michael's House

Yesterday, I went to Michael's house. I got to play with Kiwi their bird. it tried to bite me. It didn't though. Also I drove his motor scooter.Luke the dog tried to eat a cat but he didn't. We went swimming and we stood on the side of the pool with a bowl and tried to get dead bees out of the water. then we played video games till dinner.

Hike at Mt. St. Francis

Hike at Mt. St. Francis
I love my little sister